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Zoe: From sales manager to entrepreneur

Zoe’s Story

Zoe, how did you come up with your business idea?
“I’ve never actually been short of ideas! But in previous jobs, I was often slowed down – as an intern or young professional, it’s better not to throw out so many ideas. At Seminaris, I quickly realized that I can just be who I am. And my ideas are appreciated.”

How did Seminaris support you in concrete terms?
“First of all, by allowing me to gain a lot of practical experience. Although I was new to the job, I was still allowed to work completely independently. My manager was more like a coach for me. In addition, I came into contact with the topic of New Work at Seminaris – and that hasn’t let me go.”

What will you take with you for your future?
“At Seminaris, I worked in the transformation team and learned a lot about the future of work. I also developed my idea for the co-working space that I’m currently setting up. In concrete terms, this meant that I was able to contribute four hours a week to the transformation of the organization, received training and mentoring. And was just perfectly prepared for my startup!”

Thank you, Zoe!

* The story of Zoe is  fictional and was created as part of our recruiting campaign. It is inspired by real life stories and could has similarly taken place at Seminaris.


“I’ve always been good with people – but during my time at Seminaris I reached an absolutely professional level. Especially when things got difficult in a conversation.

That encouraged me to try it myself. Because today I believe in myself, because I’ve learned so much.”

former Sales Manager

    For the future of your dreams

    Here your visions find a home: appreciative, self-determined, communicative and in a team. A career in the hotel industry can be different! At Seminaris, you work sustainably and based on values.

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