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Peer: From head chef to restaurant owner

Peers Story

Peer, have you always wanted to run your own restaurant?
“The idea was certainly always in the back of my mind somewhere. But I didn’t think I could do it for a long time. In a large kitchen, things are usually pretty hectic and hierarchical, so there’s little time for my own ideas. It wasn’t until I joined Seminaris that I dared to trust my abilities more.”

What was the environment like at Seminaris?
“First of all, there was an incredibly appreciative way of working together in the kitchen. I knew that in a different way! This meant that I was able to contribute my own ideas in a completely unbiased way, for example regarding menu planning. But it also taught me how to organize collaboration well. There was a lot of trust in me right from the start, and so I was able to slowly grow into a leadership role.”

What will you take with you for your future?
“At Seminaris, I took part in a mentoring program for employees and learned a lot about myself, my values and my goals. This is incredibly valuable for my professional future because it gives me a compass. I now know not only what I can do – but also where I want to go.”

Thank you, Peer!

* The story of Peer is  fictional and was created as part of our recruiting campaign. It is inspired by real life stories and could has similarly taken place at Seminaris.


“Even when the pressure got intense, I learned at Seminaris to trust in my abilities, to stay calm. To concentrate on the essentials – and not to lose the fun with the team.

In the process, I discovered my strengths. Today I can lead a team and take responsibility for my people.”

ehemaliger Küchenchef bei Seminaris Hotels

    For the future of your dreams

    Here your visions find a home: appreciative, self-determined, communicative and in a team. A career in the hotel industry can be different! At Seminaris, you work sustainably and based on values.

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