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Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam Tagungsraum Berlin Brandenburg
Seminaris Masterclass



Mario André Brückner and Finn Thieme are coaches of the Agilizer© Academy and have many years of experience in agile transformation and organizational development projects. For the Seminaris Masterclass, they have compiled various frameworks for agile transformation in the company.


AGILIZER© BOOSTER: Theoretical insight into the relevant factors of agility and practical application in the company. Introduction and detailed overview of the overall Scrum process. Active experience of methods to further develop your own agile management role. Detailed documentation and a personal roadmap to successfully start in the agile role.

AGILE LEADERSHIP: Core of agile and its benefits. The four dimensions of agility. How organizational change affects output. Design thinking for idea generation. Scrum for delivery.

KANBAN: Introduction and detailed overview of relevant methods and application areas for Kanban. Active experience of Kanban principles.


This Masterclass is for everyone who wants to get an overview of agility and get started with the agile framework Scrum. You will get an orientation why agility plays an increasingly decisive role and how you can use it to make your daily work more agile. The look into the New Work method case gives you practical examples for Management 3.0 – the toolbox for agile leadership.

Participant profile

• Interested parties who want to get started with the topic of agility or who want to make working methods more agile
• Team members who want to improve collaboration and make it more active
• Project managers, change managers, HR managers, executives from all areas
• Interested parties who want to get a complete overview of Scrum and relevant certifications
• Interested parties who want to develop professionally and start in an agile context


Modul: Kanban for teams

Kanban helps you to better assess your work, identify bottlenecks quickly and achieve goals as a team. It does not matter in which area you work.

In this workshop you will learn to use the potential of Kanban in a practical way. Finn Thieme shows you how to use Kanban techniques, e.g. the limitation of parallel tasks (WIP), the pull principle or the “no waste” policy itself. Kanban promotes transparency, trust and cooperative collaboration.

In the process, gather new experiences, reflect and develop innovative approaches to solutions. If you are just getting into agile ways of working or want to gain new perspectives alongside other agile methods such as Scrum, because perhaps no desired change has occurred yet, then the Kanban technique is just right. Try out this method for yourself in several simulations in a playful way.


Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam
An der Pirscheide 40
14471 Potsdam

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam Tagungsraum Berlin

Dates Masterclass Potsdam-Berlin

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We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
What can we do for you?


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