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Seminaris Masterclass



The goal of the Digital Leadership workshop is to promote and sustain leadership skills in the digital age. In interactive modules, you will learn how to align your leadership skills in such a way that you provide orientation in the digital age, take responsibility, and set an example in the company. In this way, you take your leadership skills to a new, digital level. And in doing so, you align your company holistically with the necessary agility and ability to face and successfully master the challenges of our time.


This workshop is designed to promote and sustain leadership skills in the digital age. In interactive modules, you will learn to align your leadership skills in such a way that you can provide orientation in the digital age, take responsibility and set an example in the company. In this way, you will advance your skills as a leader to a new, digital level and align your company holistically – with the necessary agility to face and successfully master the challenges of our time.

The quintessence of digital transformation is the establishment of a collective understanding of change and transformative leadership – for the leader as an individual as well as for the company in its complex totality.

Instead of just experience and routine, adapted competencies count today, from which a modern leadership style is cultivated that mobilizes all employees through active example and integrates them into the process of change. Through integrated knowledge, targeted handling and security in dealing with technological progress, a strong corporate culture can be established that can stand its ground in innovative business models and thus position itself for the future.


With a solid understanding of agile work and business models and a willingness to holistically implement and benefit from change, it is possible to successfully embed leadership in a new world of work.

Why all this? Digitalization concerns us all. It cannot be reversed, but determines our everyday life in every area.

How do we go about it? With scientific research results, evidence-based studies and real-life practical examples, we master the challenge using a hybrid mix of online and onsite workshop elements.

What is the focus? The establishment of leadership approaches and change initiatives as well as the creation of a mindset for new working environments.


Laptop, openness and good humor

Participants profile
  • Executives
  • Decision makers
  • HR Managers
  • Hidden Champions (medium-sized companies)
  • New Work and Work 4.0 interested parties


Module 1: Leadership

Leadership competencies must be constantly realigned – from technical expertise to social intelligence to strategic thinking. The following questions need to be explored: Where do I want to take my company and my employees? What does my role mean for me personally, for my employees, for my business partners and for my company? How can I strengthen this role, develop it further and, above all, use it meaningfully within a transformation? How do I meet technological challenges, changing communication, the new generation? People management, conflict management and feedback culture make a major contribution to the success of the company and its future viability.

In module 1 we deal with the topic of leadership – leadership as a culture, as a vocation and as an opportunity. With practical exercises, expert cases and a keynote speech, we approach the topic of leadership on an unconventional and fruitful level that sustainably combines transformation with success.

Module 2: Digital Leader

As an executive, you are a guide, role model, manager and doer. In fact, you fulfill many roles that you are not born with, but that you have to develop and promote. You are never finished. That’s why continuous development is essential, not only to keep your finger on the pulse of the times, but also to be able to navigate as a guide for your employees, especially in disruptive times, and to steer the company in the right direction.

As a digital leader, it is essential to combine classic leadership skills with the ability to reorient oneself digitally and technologically. Being digital doesn’t just mean being accessible on the go, being able to move online, but above all it means speed, agility and multidimensional adaptability. In the Digital Leader and Competencies module, you will learn what makes you a digital leader, what skills you still need for this and how you can use them ideally.

Module 3: Work 4.0 – New Work

New Work defines a new, flat, digital and dynamic way of working that is essential in the digital age. This requires internal transformations to fully understand innovative work models and integrate them securely within the company. You need to pick up employees and create a holistic transformation that turns all the screws – this is the key to successful Work 4.0.

In this module, we address the questions raised by the new way of working: What competencies are required? Which areas are affected? How do you integrate new ways of working in individual teams, in larger departments, and ultimately throughout the entire company? And how do you distinguish Work 4.0 from short-term trends where people quickly revert to old habits?

The task here is to establish a modern work culture within the existing ones and, if necessary, to break through old processes without violating existing recipes for success. What is needed is a precise analysis of the status quo, a fundamental motivation of employees at all levels, and a willingness to step forward as a leader and drive new developments. This is best achieved by getting a sense of how working in the future could change positively for everyone – the key to true transformation.

With real cases, lots of practical exercises and success measurements, we will make the topic of Work 4.0 and New Work accessible so that you can integrate it directly into your company without detours and safely. Size, industry and turnover do not matter – because in the new world of work, everyone has to reinvent themselves in order to remain successful.

Module 4: Digital Leadership

Particularly in a VUCA world, it is essential to be able to break away from old behavior patterns and remain flexible – what sounds so simple in theory is not always so easy to implement in practice. What exactly does flexibility mean in a digital world? To address this question, it can be helpful to learn from well-known digital leaders. Where are the working models of the future already part of everyday life today?

Where there used to be control, there is now trust. Where there was delegation in the past, there is now involvement. Old thought patterns have to be broken in order to allow new working methods. Consciously integrating employees, handing over responsibility, allowing trust to prevail – this is how you reach your employees in the world of digital change. At eye level, not at the lower hierarchical level. Social skills and emotional intelligence are now indispensable as leadership qualities, and this transformation has become a major challenge, especially in the digital age, often distinguishing good leaders from excellent ones. Where do you want to stand? How do you want to be perceived?

In order to implement this transformation consciously, securely and with an eye to the future, it is necessary to address the following questions: What new forms and models of work are companies facing and how is the culture changing among applicants, employees, workers and managers? What organizational conditions must prevail in order to embark on a transformation? What does this mean for companies and how can you improve your performance as a result?

With practical exercises and proven expertise, we work together to develop your individual opportunities and potential as a digital leader. In doing so, we draw on the latest practical experience, cutting-edge theories and data-based evidence from current research findings of renowned institutes, such as HSG St. Gallen, energyfactory (Transformation & Leadership Consulting) or PWC (Study on People Management 2025).


Seminaris Hotel Nürnberg
Valznerweiherstraße 200
90480 Nürnberg

Seminaris Hotel Nürnberg Rezeption

Dates Masterclass Nuremberg

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We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
What can we do for you?


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