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Seminaris Masterclass



The competence to learn with ease and joy is the key to satisfied people, successful teams and sustainable organizations.
Wecreation has also designed these modules with a joy of learning and based on a holistic approach – from self-development, to team development, to corporate development. Let’s explore together with varied content and fun and become a learning expert!


We all have the ability to learn. It doesn’t require any instruction. What is special and definitely worth exploring, however, is to find out how to learn with joy and, in the process, rediscover and redesign your own work. Together, we will explore three different perspectives on learning that make individuals fulfilled, teams successful and organizations sustainable. In doing so, we incorporate neuroscientific findings for the learning process. We will also launch an experiment combining self-awareness with teamwork and a systemic perspective. Look forward to it.

What will the participants learn?
• How the joy of learning becomes the central lever for potential development in your organization.
• How to strengthen the learning culture in your environment.
• Why many seminars and training courses no longer have any effect and what we need instead.
• What tools and instruments help to turn the workplace into a place of learning.


Why all this? Joy of learning is an innate ability that we want to rediscover and use for ourselves and others. This way we can unleash our potential, increase our own learning effectiveness and use it for the things that are important to us. Not to forget, complexity and the speed of change is increasing, so learning and reflectiveness as competencies become indispensable.

How do we do it: we explore learning by experiencing it, reflecting on experiences and integrating them in transfer to everyday life. Training as an experiential space. The actual learning rarely takes place in the course (in school), but in life. We incorporate neuroscientific findings and fill your practical and creative method suitcase. Even after the training we accompany you with our learning community.

What is the focus: Strengthening trust in the creative power of learning for YOU, your TEAM and your ORGANIZATION and creating tools and structures that make this possible.

Participants profile

Each module has its own focus. However, you may feel addressed everywhere if you want to shape YOURSELF, YOUR TEAM and YOUR ENVIRONMENT and thereby develop your potential.


Module 1: Self development – learn with me

In the module we deal with the topics:
• The new image of man, what underlies the future of learning
• Neuroplasticity and lifelong learning
• Self-reflection as the key to effective learning
• Self-determined learning – “Pick your own path”.

Accompanied by the questions” What does learning mean to me? What is my ideal learning environment? What gives me pleasure? How do I want to learn in the future?” Finally, we will look at how learning experiences can be integrated into everyday life with the help of experiments and feel free to become part of our learning community.

Module 2: Team development – learning with you

The second module is about team learning, in particular:
• Phenomenon-based learning and interdisciplinary (learning) teams.
• The art of feedback
• The new role of the leader in the learning process
• Training creative thinking and problem solving

We will ask ourselves what makes a good learning environment, what inspires learning enthusiasm and curiosity in people, how learning can be fueled by collaborative learning, and how to empower others. What kind of learning experiment will you launch in your organization after this module?

Module 3: Organizational development – learning with a system

In Module 3, we look at the big picture:
• Learning culture in transition
• Why many seminars and training courses no longer have any effect and what we need instead
• Fostering a growth mindset
• Creating learning spaces and rituals in everyday (business) life

Accompanied by the questions “How do I make the organization a place of learning for everyone? Which factors/structures hinder and which support organizations in learning? How do I turn a culture of mistakes into a culture of learning? How does the organization become an innovative learning place?” To apply what you’ve learned directly in your organization, one of the things we’ll do on the second day is create an experiment with clear next steps.

Module 4: The full experience – designing learning experiences yourself

The fourth module provides the space to move from discussion and thinking to action. The focus is on:
• Examples of radically new learning formats
• Become a designer yourself and create your own learning formats
• Test and improve your learning format with the help of collective intelligence
• Be inspired by the learning formats of others

We will look at what the participants of modules 1-3 have taken away, what you would like the participants to design and try out directly? (prototypes) and then you will have the chance to directly improve your learning format with the help of feedback from the other participants. And what we will definitely not forget is to celebrate our learning successes.



Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin
Takustraße 39
14195 Berlin

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam
An der Pirscheide 40
14471 Potsdam

Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin Außenansicht

Dates Masterclass Berlin-Potsdam

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We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
What can we do for you?


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