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Seminaris Masterclass

Bad Honnef


Roman Schilling helps you to understand and classify New Work in depth, to try out agile methods and to apply them successfully in practice. With him you can experience New Leadership and reflect on your own role. You can expect a holistic view of the individual, team and organization in the context of the New Normal.


New Work & New Normal: What is behind the myth of New Work and New Normal? How can organizations introduce New Work and what does it mean in concrete terms?

Resilience for Leaders & Organizations: How can organizations & leaders respond to change? What can leaders learn from the pandemic and how do we create robust and resilient organizational structures?

Agile Working: What is agile working? What is behind agile methods? How do we apply them? What does agile working mean for organizations in the context of mindset, values and principles?

Agile leadership: How is agile leadership practiced? Which leadership models correspond to our time? What does New Leadership mean in the context of agile organizations and agile leadership?

Agile change management: How does classic change management differ from agile? Why do we need more change competence in organizations and for leaders right now? How can this be applied precisely in the VUCA world?


Roman Schilling helps you to understand and classify New Work in depth, to try out agile methods and to apply them successfully in practice. With him, you can experience New Leadership and reflect on your own role. You can expect a holistic view of the individual, team and organization in the context of the New Normal.

Participant profile
  • HR Professionals
  • Project and department managers
  • Top management and middle management


Module 1: New Work and Organizations in Transition

Why is New Work needed and what does it mean in concrete terms? We demystify this buzz word and look at changes in the VUCA world, digitalization, transformation in business and society, and evolving megatrends. How have organizations evolved and changed over time from rigid, hierarchical organizations to post-modern agile organizations? We shed light on new formats and ways of working as well as the meaning and purpose of organization with the help of the new forms of work. In doing so, we show what role centering on employees and customers plays, how quick solutions become possible and why they are good, how global and interdisciplinary as well as cross-functional working works – and all this with a focus on people, with new leadership and new approaches such as coaching as well as systemic working.

Module 2: Agile Leadership and agile methods

What does “Agile Leadership” mean? What methods are there and how do I put this knowledge into practice? In which contexts is agile working appropriate and what does “ambidextrous leadership” mean in this context? In this workshop, we focus on imparting knowledge, methods and skills on “agile leadership” and develop a common understanding of it. Agile leadership has a lot to do with self-leadership, among other things. Other components of this workshop are the topic of self-reflection and the further development of one’s own leadership skills.

Module 3: Mastering change

Change is omnipresent these days: How do we as an organization and as managers manage to shape and accompany change in concrete terms? How do we take our employees with us on this journey? How do we create resilience for the organization and its people?

We develop and reflect on change processes and look at agile change management and its application for the organization.


Seminaris Hotel Bad Honnef
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Straße 20
53604 Bad Honnef

Seminaris Hotel Bad Honnef Lobby Lounge

Dates Masterclass Bad Honnef

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We all have the ability to learn. What is special and definitely worth exploring, however, is finding out how to learn with joy, and in the process rediscover and reshape your own work. 


We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
What can we do for you?


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